Stocks Lane Horse Trough October 2013.

 The stone trough at the bottom of Stocks Lane, Luddenden was overgrown and largely forgotten about when I pictured it in October 2013. Trough's were spread around many villages, towns and cities before the coming of the motor vehicle to help water horses, dogs and even in some places cattle. Most have long since been removed or closed off no longer needed, but some can still be seen and a around a dozen still remain the Calderdale district.

The trough at the bottom of Stocks Lane is no longer fed with a large amount of water and most of the trough has been filled in with soil, bushes and plants. At the back is an inscription to William Patchett a local carpenter and undertaker, with the year 1861 and surveyor inscribed too. This was the year Patchett died, i don't know if the inscription is a memorial to him or a thanks to him for providing the trough.

These pictures were taken on the 13th October 2013 using a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. They can be seen below or on Clickasnap full size, resolution and un-watermarked.

Clicking any image should open a link in another window to the version on Clickasnap.

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All the pictures remain the copyright of Colin Green.

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